Institute for Peace and Unification, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, and Institute of Philosophy Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, recognizing the benefits to their respective universities from the establishment of international links, affirm this Agreement. Agreement signed by August 25th, 2017 at the Institute of Philosophy, MAS in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The purpose of this Agreement is to develop academic and educational cooperation and to promote mutual understanding between the Institute for Peace and Unification and the Institute of Philosophy Mongolian Academy of Sciences.
The Institute for Peace and Unification and the Institute of Philosophy Mongolian Academy of Sciences agree to develop the following collaborative activities in academic areas of mutual interest, on a basis of equality and reciprocity.
(1) Exchange of faculty, researchers and administrative staff
(2) Exchange of students
(3) Conducting collaborative research projects
(4) Conducting lectures and seminars
(5) Organizing conferences and symposia
(6) Exchange of academic information and materials
(7) Promoting other academic cooperation as mutually agreed
The development and implementation of specific activities based on this Agreement will be separately negotiated and agreed between the bodies which carry out the specific projects. Both the Institute for Peace and Unification and the Institute of Philosophy Mongolian Academy of Sciences agree to carry out these activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the respective countries after full consultation and approval.